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(WIP) Iterative Design Process -
50 First Dates Book

(WIP) Iterative Design Process -
50 First Dates Book

(WIP) Iterative Design Process -
50 First Dates Book

50 First Dates is a Scratch Off Dating book filled with unique date ideas for all couples. This was the first physical product I ever designed! Take a look at my process below.

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At the start of 2021, I embarked on creating a unique product designed to enhance the dating experience for couples: the "50 First Dates" Scratch Off Dating Book. The concept was simple yet engaging—a book filled with scratch-off date ideas to encourage couples to try new activities and spend quality time together. The goal was to create a product that could appeal to a wide range of couples, encouraging them to explore new experiences and strengthen their relationships.

Our agency draws inspiration from award-winning studios like Superside and Designjoy, known for popularizing the Design-as-a-Service (DaaS) model.

As my co-founder and I dive into this new adventure, our aim is simple: we want to be your go-to partners if you're itching to get new products out there fast. We've recently rolled out an A La Carte agency subscription, so our clients can quickly beef up their teams with senior design and development talent, all without the hassle of a formal hiring process.

Below you can see what we offer in our A La Carte Subscription.


The primary goal was to determine whether the dating content inside the book would resonate with couples of different ages and relationship stages. We aimed to gather feedback that would help us refine the content to ensure it was both appealing and engaging for our target audience.

Our agency draws inspiration from award-winning studios like Superside and Designjoy, known for popularizing the Design-as-a-Service (DaaS) model.

As my co-founder and I dive into this new adventure, our aim is simple: we want to be your go-to partners if you're itching to get new products out there fast. We've recently rolled out an A La Carte agency subscription, so our clients can quickly beef up their teams with senior design and development talent, all without the hassle of a formal hiring process.

Below you can see what we offer in our A La Carte Subscription.

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Research Methodology

To gather the necessary insights, we conducted a series of interviews with 20 couples, divided into four specific age groups:

  • Five couples in their 20s

  • Five couples in their 30s

  • Five couples in their 40s

  • Five couples aged 50+

Additionally, we tracked the duration of each couple's relationship and assigned a private "intimacy" rating to gauge their closeness. This comprehensive approach allowed us to understand preferences across different demographics and relationship stages.

Our agency draws inspiration from award-winning studios like Superside and Designjoy, known for popularizing the Design-as-a-Service (DaaS) model.

As my co-founder and I dive into this new adventure, our aim is simple: we want to be your go-to partners if you're itching to get new products out there fast. We've recently rolled out an A La Carte agency subscription, so our clients can quickly beef up their teams with senior design and development talent, all without the hassle of a formal hiring process.

Below you can see what we offer in our A La Carte Subscription.

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Key Findings

  1. Universal Appeal and Focus on Discovery

    • It became evident that it was impossible to write 50 dates that would universally appeal to every couple. Therefore, we shifted our focus to the discovery of new activities. This approach ensured that if a couple disliked a particular date, their dissatisfaction would be directed at the activity itself rather than the product as a whole.

  2. Contrasting Preferences Based on Age

    • Our research revealed that older and younger couples had opposite preferences for dating activities. Older couples preferred to stay within their comfort zones, showing disinterest in dates that urged them to try new things. In contrast, younger couples were more enthusiastic about exploring new activities. Given our target demographic was younger couples, we leaned towards creating content that resonated with their adventurous spirit.

  3. Impact of Relationship Duration

    • The duration of a couple's relationship did not significantly impact their interest in the dates. Both new and long-term couples showed equal enthusiasm for the proposed ideas, indicating that the freshness of the relationship was not a determining factor in the appeal of the dates.

  4. Categorical Misses

    • Certain date categories were complete misses for specific couples. For instance, couples not inclined towards DIY projects were unlikely to engage in DIY dates. Catering too heavily to these preferences would have diluted the value of the book. Therefore, we decided to maintain a diverse range of date ideas, encouraging couples to step out of their usual routines.

Our agency draws inspiration from award-winning studios like Superside and Designjoy, known for popularizing the Design-as-a-Service (DaaS) model.

As my co-founder and I dive into this new adventure, our aim is simple: we want to be your go-to partners if you're itching to get new products out there fast. We've recently rolled out an A La Carte agency subscription, so our clients can quickly beef up their teams with senior design and development talent, all without the hassle of a formal hiring process.

Below you can see what we offer in our A La Carte Subscription.

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Design Iterations

Based on these insights, several iterations of the book were developed:

  1. Initial Concept and Prototype

    • The first prototype included a variety of date ideas spanning multiple categories (e.g., outdoor activities, cooking, DIY projects). Feedback from the initial interviews highlighted the need for a more targeted approach.

  2. Targeted Content for Younger Demographics

    • Given the younger couples' preference for new experiences, the second iteration focused on adventurous and novel activities. Dates were designed to push boundaries and encourage exploration.

  3. Balanced Variety with Flexibility

    • To address the diverse preferences within age groups, the final iteration offered a balanced mix of date ideas. Each date was crafted with the flexibility to adapt to different comfort levels, ensuring broader appeal while maintaining the core goal of discovery.

Our agency draws inspiration from award-winning studios like Superside and Designjoy, known for popularizing the Design-as-a-Service (DaaS) model.

As my co-founder and I dive into this new adventure, our aim is simple: we want to be your go-to partners if you're itching to get new products out there fast. We've recently rolled out an A La Carte agency subscription, so our clients can quickly beef up their teams with senior design and development talent, all without the hassle of a formal hiring process.

Below you can see what we offer in our A La Carte Subscription.

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Final Outcomes

The final product, "50 First Dates," was a thoughtfully curated book that balanced the adventurous spirit of younger couples with the need for variety and flexibility. By focusing on the discovery of new activities rather than trying to please every couple with every date, the book successfully encouraged couples to explore and enjoy new experiences together.

The feedback from the final round of interviews was overwhelmingly positive, with couples appreciating the innovative approach to dating. The book not only provided enjoyable date ideas but also strengthened relationships by fostering shared experiences and memories.

Our agency draws inspiration from award-winning studios like Superside and Designjoy, known for popularizing the Design-as-a-Service (DaaS) model.

As my co-founder and I dive into this new adventure, our aim is simple: we want to be your go-to partners if you're itching to get new products out there fast. We've recently rolled out an A La Carte agency subscription, so our clients can quickly beef up their teams with senior design and development talent, all without the hassle of a formal hiring process.

Below you can see what we offer in our A La Carte Subscription.


The creation of the "50 First Dates" Scratch Off Dating Book was a journey of discovery and refinement. Through iterative research and design processes, we were able to create a product that resonated with our target audience. This case study highlights the importance of user-centered design and the value of iterative feedback in creating a product that truly meets the needs and desires of its users.

Our agency draws inspiration from award-winning studios like Superside and Designjoy, known for popularizing the Design-as-a-Service (DaaS) model.

As my co-founder and I dive into this new adventure, our aim is simple: we want to be your go-to partners if you're itching to get new products out there fast. We've recently rolled out an A La Carte agency subscription, so our clients can quickly beef up their teams with senior design and development talent, all without the hassle of a formal hiring process.

Below you can see what we offer in our A La Carte Subscription.

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